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A Few Thoughts on Decentralization…

Decentralization gets a lot of hype and for good reason! Keep reading to know more

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Collision Conference 2022 Summary

A recap of Collision Conf wouldn’t be complete without a summary of all the amazing people we made contact with or were lucky enough to s

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Why Your Code Should Be as Simple as Possible

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”

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7 Key Pieces a Well-Built React App Needs to Have

Some might be obvious, and some not. Building small projects on React may not need all of these, but medium and large sized apps can beco

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Flutter: The Future of Mobile App Development

The developer’s dream came true, a framework able to deliver beautiful and well-designed mobile apps across platforms without compromisin

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SpaceDev Listed by Clutch as Top Developers

Our team here at Space Dev woke up to a thrilling announcement quite recently! We were awarded as one of the top Development companies by

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