Athlete AI
Capture, create, and share basketball highlights to get noticed worldwide. Perfect for players, coaches, parents, and fans!
Project Overview
Made with players in mind, Athlete.AI is an innovative platform that allows users to capture their basketball game highlights and share them on social media. By showcasing their skills and achievements, players can easily attract the attention of teams and coaches to further their careers.
Project goals
Provide users (players, coaches, parents, and fans) with a comprehensive tool for capturing basketball highlights, creating engaging reels, and sharing them with other members of the app and on social media platforms.
SpaceDev’s contributions
Comprehensive analysis and strategic design of the application, ensuring optimal functionality, user experience, and scalability.
Construction and development of a user-friendly and intuitive app that iOS users can download from the App Store.
Athlete.AI users can benefit from a quick and simple way to share their basketball game highlights anywhere - it’s currently being used to capture tournament footage across the USA. While the core product is functional, additional features are still in development.
The project required
2 Ssr. Dev
1 Sr. Dev
1 QA
Amazon Web Services
4 months
The Bottom Line
Athlete.AI takes sharing game highlights to the next level by giving basketball players and fans everything they need to capture the most memorable moments. By being able to effortlessly create reels of their games and share them on the app or social media, players are empowered to put their talents on display for teams, coaches and the world at large.