IT Builders 2023
May 25, 2023
Montevideo, Uruguay

IT Builders
The first edition of IT Builders in Uruguay truly laid the groundwork for great things to come!
Over 2,000 attendees had the privilege of exploring a wide range of topics, including artificial intelligence, data analytics, innovation, digital transformation, communication, gender equality in IT, business, and more. These were delivered by an outstanding lineup of speakers.
Highlights included Lisandro Dorfman from Perficient Latin America enlightening the audience on "Dashboards and KPIs," Guillermo Treister from IBM offering insights on "Incorporating AI in Business and its Key Challenges," and Diego Delgado from Mercado Libre captivating attendees with his discussion on "Asynchronous Communication at Scale: Decoupling Systems and Maximizing Performance."
Attendees also had the opportunity to visit various stands, including UTEC - Universidad Tecnológica, Universidad ORT Uruguay, UKG, Experis Uruguay, and Perficient Latin America, and engage in dynamic roundtable discussions. Special recognition was given to Ethereum Uruguay for their dedication to sharing knowledge with the community.
Our CTO, Juan Manuel Sobral, took the stage to shed light on blockchain and web3. His "Blockchain: Uncovering What’s Inside the Box" presentation invited the audience to think about the essential knowledge required to rebuild society in the event of a collapse of civilization.
The session combined history, intriguing facts, and the power of decentralization, revealing two key insights:
"It's not just the data that's important, but what it can create."
"Blockchain is here to stay."